One seriously handsome gentleman; does not contain bread or cheese...

About The Owner

I'm Simon, a classically trained chef with over 20 years experience working in all aspects of the food industry. Not really; I'm actually a software programmer who once spent two days working at a butchers, and haven't done anything related to food since. What I do have, however, is a passion for combining bread, cheese and other ingredients to create interesting new dishes. Sometimes these creations work and sometimes they don't, but either way I get to learn something new as part of the process.

About The Site

Back in late 2012 I went on a weekend trip with friends, and as part of it we did a group meal where everyone was responsible for a different item; I was put in charge of organising a cheese and cracker platter. I didn't really have much of an idea of what would work best so I went and bought over a hundred dollars of cheese, getting about 15 different varieties encompassing all areas of the cheese spectrum: hard cheese, soft cheese, blue cheese, goat's milk cheese and so on.

This was probably a bit over-optimistic, and at the end of the trip I was left with small offcuts for the majority of the cheeses. With no better idea, I decided to determine which cheese would make the best grilled cheese sandwich. What followed was a 63 day marathon of grilled cheeses, with 63 different sandwiches, using about 40 different cheeses in total (the remainder being paired with a variety of accompaniments). This was cut short when I had to travel overseas, and was unable to continue with a daily grilled cheese.

This site is a progression of that original quest, though this time the rules are a little different. I doubt my heart could take doing it daily for a prolonged period of time (and I'd run out of ideas pretty quickly), and the original format only had small text descriptions of each combination; now you get a better write-up, photography, and details of the recipe itself.