Crushed graham crackers with molten milk chocolate, marshmallows and smoked Havarti.

S'more and Smoked Havarti Grilled Cheese

Today is Victoria Day in Canada, which means it's the end of the May Long weekend and the end of what would traditionally be the first trip of the summer camping season. I say traditionally, because this year I was unfortunate enough to pick up a rotator cuff injury the week before (which thankfully isn't a tear), and thus opted to forgoe the usual festivities in order to rest it. I can just about get over having to skip out on most of the usual camping activities, such as starting fires, chopping wood for fires, making even bigger fires and drinking fireball, but there's one thing that I absolutely didn't want to miss out on: the holy grail of campfire treats known as the s'more.

If you're unfamiliar (seriously, who are you?), a s'more is basically a slab of milk chocolate and a marshmallow sandwiched in between two graham crackers, which is then toasted to molten perfection. Of course, there's neither bread nor cheese involved here, so that's where some imagination comes in to play. Originally I was just going to take the easy way out and slam the ingredients in between two slices of cheese bread (a simple double whammy ingredient), but having given it a little bit more thought I realised that it wouldn't be truly complete without a little bit of that campfire smokiness coming though. As a result I've chosen to use a smoked Havarti, which imparts just about as good a campfire flavour as anything else I can think of.

The name s'more is a contraction of 'some more'. Once you've had a few of these, I'm sure that's what you'll be asking for.

S'more and Smoked Havarti Grilled Cheese

Serves: 1 Person

Crushed graham crackers with molten milk chocolate, marshmallows and smoked Havarti.


  • 2 Slices White Bread
  • 30g Smoked Havarti
  • 25g Milk Chocolate
  • 15g Miniature Marshmallows
  • 3 Graham Crackers (Squares)
  • A Knob of Butter


  1. Finely grate the Havarti and set to one side.
  2. Crumble both the milk chocolate and graham crackers coarsely, and also place to one side.
  3. Bring a skillet to a low/medium temperature, and melt in the knob of butter.
  4. Once the butter has melted, place both slices of bread into the skillet.
  5. On one slice of bread, layer up the crushed graham cracker, milk chocolate, marshmallows and finally the grated Havarti. Use the back of a spoon or a knife to push down the components and pack them tightly together.
  6. Flip over the remaining slice of bread to complete the sandwich.
  7. Continue to grill until nicely bronzed, flipping the sandwich as necessary.

Notes & Tips

Grill on a low temperature to avoid burning, but make sure you add the filling early on; it will take just as long to melt as the bread will take to brown. If you don't have graham crackers to hand (or you simply want to try an alternative), try using oatmeal or ginger biscuits instead; anything that can be used as the base for a cheesecake will substitute in here nicely (such as digestives).