Sliced pork loin, sautéed onion, Double Gloucester, baked beans and fresh mint, layered together on toasted sourdough.

Loaded Pork and Beans

Originating with a homorous schoolyard song, beans are often referred to as a magical fruit. A reference to their toot-inducing qualities, I can state quite honestly that there is nothing magical whatsoever about the raucous cacaphony they can cause; a metaphorical choir of flatulus erupting from the bowels within. Perhaps rather than calling them magic, we should simply refer to them as only, quite literally, breathtaking.

Either way, I'm distracting myself. Today's creation is inspired in part by a recent discovery of several Heinz beans cans lurking at the back of my cupboard. These are not just any ordinary cans either, but ones specifically imported from the British Isles; as such they ooze a quality not often seen from bean varities elsewhere. The compliment the beans, I've chosen to pair it with a fine pork loin and sautéed onion combination then added gobs of another excellent British export: Double Gloucester cheese. This is then layered on top of what is, quite literally, the largest slice of sourdough I could find; perfect for soaking up the bean sauce and any fat that runs out of the pork.

The whole thing is absolutely loaded, and is more than enough to fill your stomach. Now excuse me whilst I go and open a window... :)

Loaded Pork and Beans

Serves: 1 Person

Sliced pork loin, sautéed onion, Double Gloucester, baked beans and fresh mint, layered together on toasted sourdough.


  • 1 Large Slice Sourdough
  • 50g Double Gloucester
  • 200g Pork Loin
  • 200g Baked Beans
  • 1 Small Onion
  • 1 Clove Garlic
  • Fresh Mint Leaves
  • Sea Salt
  • Cracked Black Peppercorns
  • A Knob of Butter


  1. Finely grate the Double Gloucester and set to one side.
  2. Coarsely dice the onion, and cut the pork loin into strips of about one to two inches in length.
  3. Bring a skillet to a medium temperature, melt in the knob of butter, then add the diced onion.
  4. Once the onions are partly browned, grate in the garlic and grind in both the salt and cracked peppercorns.
  5. After a few minutes, add the strips of pork loin.
  6. Once the pork loin looks cooked, reduce to a low temperature and allow to simmer.
  7. At the same time, add the baked beans (with sauce) to a saucepan and set to a low/medium temperature.
  8. When the beans have heated through, add between one third and one half of the cheese to the saucepan, stirring it in as it melts.
  9. Quickly toast the sourdough slice.
  10. Set down the now toasted sourdough slice, and layer everything on top of it as follows: the pork loin and onion mixture first; the cheese and bean mixture next; then finally the remaining cheese.
  11. Tear up a few fresh mint leaves and sprinkle on top, then add a touch more crack black pepper to finish things off.

Notes & Tips

The bigger and thicker your sourdough slice, the better; you'r putting an entire pork loin chop on top of it, so a dainty little slice isn't going to cut it here. When seasoning the onions, I personally find that less salt and more pepper works better. Athentic British baked beans in a tomato sauce work best; just makes sure that you don't go for something like maple beans.