A fondue inspired Gruyère and Emmentaler blend, punctuated with a cinnamon, apple and Sauvignon Blanc reduction.

Cinnamon Apple Winter Warmer

It's been a while since the last creation, a situation for which I apologize, though that doesn't mean I haven't been experimenting in the interim. Two weekends ago I was due to take a gondola ride up the side of a gondola to partake in a meal and veritable fondue feast. Unfortunately, due to some unfortunate inclement weather, the event was cancelled and our groups plans were shattered. After a quick round of panic, we regrouped for an evening of takeaway food, tragic pop hits from the nineties, and of course, some homemade fondue to ensure that we didn't miss out on our original intentions.

That ad-hoc fondue creation is essentially the starting point for this creation. Despite the vast amount of cheese I deal with I'd never actually made a fondue before, though I did at least recognize the basic combination of Swiss cheese and dry white wine. What I ultimately went with was an even split of Gruyère and Emmentaler for the base, a touch of ground garlic and nutmeg to spice things up, then an unoaked Sauvignon Blanc for my white wine. For this creation I've removed the Sauvignon Blanc (instead using it to form part of my cinnamon apple reduction), though otherwise the combination is unchanged; it worked well, so I've little reason to tamper with things.

With the base sorted I then wanted to add something that would really make this a 'winter warmer', something to keep you warm during the cold days; that's where the cinnamon apple reduction comes in. Typically this would probably be done using a good quality cider, though as I'd removed the Sauvignon Blanc from the fondue inspired base it made sense the use it here to try and retain some of the same character. It comes out a little sweeter, though once combined into the final product you'd be pressed to notice.

On a cold winter's evening, I'm sure you'll enjoy this.

Cinnamon Apple Winter Warmer

Serves: 1 Person

A fondue inspired Gruyère and Emmentaler blend, punctuated with a cinnamon, apple and Sauvignon Blanc reduction.


  • 2 Slices Sourdough
  • 50g Emmentaler
  • 50g Gruyère
  • 200ml Unoaked Sauvignon Blanc
  • 1 Apple
  • 2 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Ground Nutmeg
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Ground Garlic
  • A Knob of Butter


  1. Finely grate both the Gruyère and Emmentaler, add both the ground nutmeg and garlic, then shake through and set to one side.
  2. Bring a small diameter pan to a low temperature, and add the Sauvignon Blanc.
  3. Add a small amount of butter, and stir in to prevent it seperating.
  4. Once the butter has blended in, add the two cinnamon sticks, and raise the temperature slightly; you want a simmer here, not a boil.
  5. Dice the apple into approximately 5mm pieces, and add to the mixture. Allow this to simmer away until all of the liquid has reduced.
  6. Bring a skillet to a low/medium temperature, and melt in the knob of butter.
  7. Place both slices of bread into the skillet.
  8. Layer on both the cheese blend and reduced apple mixture.
  9. Flip the free slice of bread on top to complete the sandwich, then continue to grill until nicely bronzed, flipping as necessary.

Notes & Tips

You'll probably have some wine left over; this can be consumed whilst cooking to add a little fun to the creation. As always with grilled cheese sandwiches, using a lower temperature allows for everything to melt together without the risk of burning the outside.