Panini with triple-crème brie, apple and caramelised onion.

Brie, Apple and Onion Panini

After putting together some turkey, cranberry and brie sandwiches, I needed to find a new combination to use up the remaining brie that I had. Brie in general is quite creamy, and I tend to find it works well with what I'd describe as sweeter, more aromatic flavours. Adding to the decision making process, I'd spent the morning investing in a new panini grill and it was something of inevitability that I'd be finding a way to make use of it.

As mentioned, I like to pair brie with sweet, aromatic flavours. The choice then, was to pair the brie with sliced apple and caramelised onions; the apple acts as the aromatic side of the equation, with the caramelised onion adding a sweet flavour that isn't sugary in nature. Of course, the brie works its usual trick of keeping everything bound together with a rich creaminess. Throw these together in a press and you've got a nicely filling snack that should satisfy at any time of the year.

Enjoy... :)

Brie, Apple and Onion Panini

Serves: 2 People

Panini with triple-crème brie, apple and caramelised onion.


  • 4 Slices of Plain White Bread
  • 150g Triple-Crème Brie
  • 1 Small/Medium White Onion
  • 1 Small/Medium Apple
  • A Knob of Butter


  1. Heat a skillet to a low/medium temperature, and melt in the knob of butter.
  2. Dice the onion, and add it to the skillet. Keep this at a low temperature and stir ocassionally to prevent burning. Eventually the onions will take on a glorious bronzed colour.
  3. Grate or slice the brie
  4. Core and slice the apple. This can be done by making placing the apple upright on a chopping board and making three vertical cuts in a triangle around the core; the remaining pieces will be easy to slice.
  5. Layer theapple, brie and onion between two slices of bread, then transfer to a panini press.
  6. Once the brie has sufficiently melted, remove from the press and serve.

Notes & Tips

The choice of apple used can have quite an impact in this. Personally I like to use a softer variety with a more aromatic flavor (as opposed to a sharper, more tangy apple); something like a Cox's works particularly well. If you don't have a panini press, then this can be done one side at a time on a griddle (or even a flat bottomed pan) by using a heavy pan or plate to act as a press on the top side.