Lighty toasted ciabatta with triple-crème brie, turkey and orange brandy cranberry sauce.

Brie, Cranberry and Turkey Ciabatta

Whether it's Thanksgiving or Christmas, there comes a time in everyone's life when they have the vast majority or a roast turkey left over and no clear direction on what to do with it. In most cases, I'd take a safe wager that you probably have a little cranberry sauce lying around at the same time too, so why not combine the two with a little bit of brie and relive the festive season all over again.

As sandwiches go, this is pretty much as simple and makeshift as you can get. The turkey will give you a nice meaty flavor and texture, the brie adds its usual creamy goodness, then the cranberry swoops in to give everything some added sweetness. The choice of a ciabatta here to hold everything is simply just so that we have a light tasting bread that doesn't overpower the flavours of the goodies it contains.

I suspect most people don't have a ready supply of turkey and cranberries to hand, so most of the time you're in a position to make this it's going to be those ready to use leftovers that can be thrown together in just a few minutes with a minimum amount of effort. Is it lazy? Sure, but you're probably still too stuffed full of turkey to do much else and who really cares when it tastes like this.

Brie, Cranberry and Turkey Ciabatta

Serves: 1 Person

Lighty toasted ciabatta with triple-crème brie, turkey and orange brandy cranberry sauce.


  • 1 Ciabatta Roll
  • Approx. 100g Turkey
  • 70g Triple-Crème Brie
  • 2 Tablespoons Cranberry Sauce


  1. Preheat an oven/grill to a medium temperature.
  2. Slice the ciabatta in half, and lightly toast the bottom half in the oven/grill, face up.
  3. Slice up the turkey to your preference, and place on the lower half of the ciabatta.
  4. Slice or grate the brie and add this on top of the turkey.
  5. Add the cranberry sauce on top of the brie.
  6. Place the bottom half of the ciabatta (now with turkey, brie and cranberry), along with the bottom half (face up) back in the grill/oven until nicely toasted and the cheese has melted.
  7. Combine both halves of the ciabatta to complete the sandwich.

Notes & Tips

I went for an orange and brandy flavoured cranberry sauce, but really the choice here is up to you. If you want to make your own cranberry sauce from scratch there are plenty of recipes available online, though a good quality store bought one is more than sufficient. For the turkey, you should be able to roast a single wing and get more than enough meat for your sandwich; just bake it in an oven for about an hour.