Sourdough panino with chicken, mozzarella and fresh parsley; seasoned with cracked black pepper.

Chicken Mozzarella Panino

I eat a lot of chicken; it's a good lean source of protein, and after a workout or run I find it a nice way to recharge my energy. That said, when you eat that much chicken it can start to get a little lifeless after a while. I needed a new twist on my post-workout chicken, and this is what I ultimately came up with.

Chicken itself doesn't have a particularly strong flavour; it's distinctive, but unless you're eating something like fried chicken it never really dominates a meal. In many ways, mozzarella is similar; a mild, almost milky flavour that compliments perfectly, yet never overwhelms. That basically means we're down to the parsley and black pepper to define the characteristic flavour of this creation, and thankfully, they deliver. Parsley has what I'd describe as a clean, bright flavour with and almost anise-like, peppery quality to it. It's this latter aspect the the black pepper focuses on, cranking it up a few notches and adding a little kick to things in the process.

The result is fresh, sharp and refreshing, and has quietly earned a prime place on my rotation of quick, simple chicken dishes. Enjoy.

Chicken Mozzarella Panino

Serves: 1 Person

Sourdough panino with chicken, mozzarella and fresh parsley; seasoned with cracked black pepper.


  • 2 Slices of Sourdough
  • 70g Mozzarella
  • 200g Chicken Breast
  • A Handful Of Parsley
  • Cracked Black Pepper


  1. Bake or grill the chicken at a medium/high temperature until fully cooked.
  2. Roughly slice the chicken, and layer on top of one sourdough slice.
  3. Grate the mozzarella, and layeer on top of the chicken.
  4. Add a layer of parsley on top of the mozzarella.
  5. Season generously with cracked black pepper.
  6. Add the second slice of sourdough on top, then place in a panini press until the mozzarella fully melts.

Notes & Tips

It's the parsley and cracked black pepper that define the flavour of this, rather than the chicken or mozzarella; don't be afraid to use them liberally. If you don't have a panini press, then this can be done one side at a time on a griddle (or even a flat bottomed pan) by using a heavy pan or plate to act as a press on the top side.